Put the efficiency of your software development projects to a test with our short questionnaire.

After answering 21 questions you will get a score that shows you where your software development is against a benchmark of global high performers and tell you exactly where your company is losing money in the process.

Efficiency test for your software development projects

In recent years, we have realised that many companies make very expensive mistakes in their software development. These mistakes significantly impair the efficiency and quality of projects and lead to millions being wasted. This is why we have developed the "12 rules of software develop-ment". Based on these rules, we have created a special online test that helps IT professionals evaluate the quality and efficiency of their software development processes.

How does it work?

The test consists of 27 precise YES or NO questions. These questions are based directly on our 12 golden rules and cover all essential aspects of software development. The test offers a quick and easy way to evaluate the current efficiency of your software project.

What to expect in the evaluation?

Once you complete the questionnaire, you will immediately receive a detailed evaluation. This result will show you the level of efficiency of your software development processes. The benchmark of 92% efficiency should be your goal in order to be competitive.

Your results and impulses for implementing them

The analysis clearly identifies problematic areas in your company. You receive specific recommendations on where and how you should make improvements. These clear implementation impulses aim at sustainably increasing the efficiency of your software development.

Your results available at any time

The results are displayed online. You can also download them as a PDF. This gives you access to the analysis and recommendations for action at any time.

Answer the questionnaire now and find out how efficient your software development really ist. Optimise your processes and reach the next level to leave your competitors behind.